Law School Application Review

Apply to law school with confidence knowing you have an experienced attorney and coach to review

your law school applications!

  • Personal Statement

  • Diversity Statement

  • Addendum

  • Resume

    PLUS Coach Aigné will provide written comments and a personalized video with feedback

*Please allow up to 7 days to finalize application review.

Aigné Goldsby, Esq. Founder of Black Esquire LLC is an experienced attorney and career coach. She has helped hundreds of pre-law and law students successfully navigate the attorney journey, including the law school application process! Are you next?!

More About Aigné:

  • Over 5 years of coaching experience

  • Has helped dozens of pre-law students

  • Graduate of UConn School of Law

  • Former Law School Career Counselor

  • Featured on ABC News and NPR